Peculiar Flowers by Paula Suominen

The newest public artwork commissioned by the municipality of Ii, Peculiar Flowers by Paula Suominen will be revealed to the public as part of the opening of the Art Ii Biennial 2020.

The newest public artwork commissioned by the municipality of Ii, Peculiar Flowers by Paula Suominen is a three-piece mosaic sculpture expressing the vitality of plants, survival and adaptation. The artist has utilized in the three sculptures Kaihonkukka (Omphalodes), Kuukunen (Calvatia) and Kultatyräkki (Euphorbia epithymoides) recycled mosaics collected from locals of Ii, as well as mosaic droplets produced in art workshops of the local work rehabilitation centre in 2018.

The artwork is a renaissance of the rough ground. All species and creatures have equal responsibilities and rights to the land, water and air. No one can own them. Plants control and nurture the land and the planet. Humans now have a window of opportunity to find a more equal dialogue with nature. Altruistic empathy towards plants, animals and nature releases energy and strength to humans themselves through art.

Visual artist Paula Suominen lives and works at Posio. In addition to more traditional visual art she works with ceramics and murals. Her public art works can be found from example from the library of Posio and the Lapland Central Hospital. Suominen on has exhibited her work actively in Finland and abroad since 1997. Her works discuss the themes of fading of life and revival. Nature, natural light and colours are at the core of her work.

The artwork Peculiar Flowers will be revealed to the public at the Lähde! Park and online on Thursday 11th of June as part of the opening of the Art Ii Biennial 2020.

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