Oil pastels by Anssi Hanhela in KulttuuriKauppila

This years summer exhibition at KulttuuriKauppila Art Center presents a collection of Anssi Hanhelas’ oil pastels. His works are colourful depictions of a man’s life, topped with sarcasm and black humour.

Hanhela lives and works in Oulu. His works have been shown in exhibitions in Finland and abroad from 1983. He has received numerous grants and his works have been acquired into several museum collections in Northern Finland.

“A man’s life is a struggle of existence between the realities of everyday and the fragile emotions he experiences. He is haunted by his memories, by his loneliness and his dreams – and the deep disturbing void they create together – what is real what is not? The man experiences the world and himself in it – all is real: also the emotions.”

The exhibition is open in KulttuuriKauppilassa (Kauppilantie 15, 91100 Ii) from 14.6.­­ to 29.7. tue–fri klo 12am–5pm and sat 11am–4pm.

Vernissage Thursday 15. June 3 pm. Welcome! 


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