Jaakko Autio is originally from the city of Ylivieska in Northern Ostrobothnia, but he has also spent several years of his childhood in Senegal. The time spent in Senegal has left a mark and is present also in his way to grasp reality and create art, and Autio describes music as his ultimate home.
Autio has worked as a sound designer at several theatres, as well as a freelance artist collaborating with e.g. different dance theatres. He has studied sound design at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and at the Theatre Academy Helsinki.
Autio has acted as a convener for big sound installations, which he has produced together with different communities, like choirs. His sound installations are on display in 2021 for example at Porvoo Art Factory, Mikkeli Art Museum, Mad House Helsinki and Art Cave Saimaa Retretti. Autio is also a sound designer in the Waiting Room –installation by Gustafsson & Haapoja, which will be seen at the Kunsthalle Seinäjoki in fall 2021.
Autio studies in his work human’s relationship to others. The other can take many shapes and forms, and mean for example other people, time and worlds. Autio is fascinated by the process of approaching the otherness and lingering at the border of strange and familiar. When the familiar and strange are rubbed against each other new knowledge of who we are and what life feels like is created.
During his stay in Ii Autio worked on multichannel outdoor sound installation Dot the I’s.