Cheryl J. Fish (USA) 9/2018

Cheryl J. Fish introduced the American literature to the locals!
The American Literature Evening by Cheryl J. Fish at the Ii library. 2018. Photo: Jaani Föhr.

Cheryl J. Fish is a poet, fiction writer and scholar from the USA. She teaches environmental justice, writing, literature and gender studies at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York. She was a Fulbright professor at the University of Tampere in 2007 teaching environmental justice in American literature and film, and at that time she met Sámi film-makers at the Tampere Film Festival. Since then she has written and published essays about how Sámi film-makers and photographers respond to mining and extraction and the importance of maintaining their identity and culture in arctic Fenno-Scandinavia.

Fish’s fiction has appeared in Iron Horse Literary Review, From Somewhere to Nowhere: The End of the American Dream, (Autonomedia Press, 2017) and Liars League NYC. Her poems have appeared in several journals and anthologies.

During her stay at the residency, Fish organised an evening for American Literature at the Ii main library. At the event she shared reading tips, conversed on 19th century American literature and read her own poems about the Finnish sauna.

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