The Garden of Secrets

Inclusive planning for the Suvantola park, participants include people recovering from psychiatric problems, intellectually disabled people and social and health employees from the region.

October–December 2017, designer Ulla Autio, director Heta Haanperä

A river of facing silk flowed through the daytime hall used for exemplary employment creating a tent, in which people could gather for a cup of coffee and to discuss their nature experiences. These desires and memories were transformed into tangible artworks, providing the perfect setting for discussing the park environment of the future. Designer Ulla Autio and director Heta Haanperä gathered ideas throughout the autumn to be used as basis for the Lähde! park concept. The ideation and planning carried out using the means of art included disabled people, those recovering from psychiatric problems and clients and employees of surrounding care facilities. The participants of pop-up workshops at the Ii health centre and Oulu City Library were also able to share their thoughts. Based on the ideas gathered, Ulla and Heta compiled design for a dream park that will instruct the implementation plan for the Lähde! park in the municipality of Ii.

Photos: Ulla Autio, Heta Haanperä


Ulla Autio
Ulla Autio is an interior and textile designer (M.A.) specialising in care facility planning who works as an entrepreneur at her own company Aihiomo. Ulla’s goal is to create unique facilities, taking into consideration the spatial requirements and the customers’ wishes. To achieve this, she works in an outcome-oriented manner, by investigating or utilising previous research to provide basis for the assignment. Ulla’s competence can be experienced in the waiting area of a health clinic or even sitting in a dentist’s chair! In the Lähde! Art and Culture as Part of Social and Health Services in Oulunkaari project, Ulla Autio worked together with director Heta Haanperä.
Heta Haanperä
Director Heta Haanperä is known for her directorial work at the Oulu Theatre. Her works include the classic Rautatie, the premiere production of the opera Neljäntienristeys and the adaptation of the novel Taivaslaulu. According to Heta, it is possible to bring the entire spectrum of life to the stage in the theatre. Projects that uncover new stages and stories close to the townspeople are dear to her heart. Appropriately, Heta has also been involved in the creation of the Family Theatre concept that is intended to bring families to the stage to process everyday situations. “Art enables us to observe our personas and the surrounding world, and affording us with the experience of being visible in a positive sense, providing us with nourishment for a good life.”

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