Art for Housing Services Workshop

What happened when an artist moved into a group home?

How could artists’ skills contribute to the improvement of wellbeing in a community and outside it? In what ways could art be delivered to those who rarely leave their homes? The workshop organised by Palvelumuotoilu Palo contemplated the forms and possibilities of social art residence activities. The participants of the workshop included clients and employees of social housing as well as artists.

Dramaturge Jukka Heinänen and comics artist Jyrki Mäki shared their experiences from their residence periods at Startti, a group home for intellectually disabled people and we also heard one participant speak on how the activities introduced by the artists in residence had helped to forget anxieties related to other aspects of life, for example.


Jukka Heinänen
Dramaturgi Jukka Heinänen työskentelee parhaillaan Ouluun kaupunginteatterissa. Ammattiteattereissa tehdyn taiteellisen työn lisäksi hän on toiminut opettajana useissa oppilaitoksissa ja osallistunut moniin hankkeisiin ja projekteihin, joissa sovelletaan taiteen menetelmiä eri elämänalueille. ”Kaiken kokemani jälkeen olen yhä vakuuttuneempi siitä, että taiteen jalkauttamisesta eri elämän- ja yhteiskunnan alueille on iloa ja hyötyä kaikille. ” Lähde! Taiteesta voimaa arkeen -hankkeessa Jukka Heinänen pilotoi sosiaalisen taiteen residenssin toimintaa kehitysvammaisten ryhmäkoti Startissa.
Jyrki Mäki
Comics and visual artist Jyrki Mäki is known as the singer and one of the primary lyricists of the band Radiopuhelimet. He has published three graphic novels: Hermolomamatka (Like 2011), Kiskoja (Like 2014) and Musta lipas (Like 2016). He also draws comics for the Oulu-posti and Rantapohja papers.

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