Inner Mirror

A ritual performance of dance and music, on accepting the dark and light of the story.

Min Yoon, artist in residence with KulttuuriKauppila from San Francisco, has been interviewing and getting to know persons living in Ii on how they view ther identities. One of the persons is Esa Pakanen, who is interested in sharing how he is no longer afraid to express his true self, beyond his history of alcoholism.

Min Yoon is visiting Ii as one of the Lähde! project artists. She is taking part in the KulttuuriKauppila Artist-in-Community program and has developed the Inner Mirror together with the Oulunkaari staff and customers.

Inner Mirror will be presented at 26.2. Iin Työväentalo, Pappilantie 1.

Performers: butoh dancer Min Yoon and Esa Pakanen
Duration approx. 1,5h including the performance and discussion.

Free admission, welcome!

“To each of us, through our own particular history, has been given the potential for participating in a unique series of disclosures: the capacity to bring certain creatures and certain things into the brilliance of a more-than-reality. This potential is not so much a talent as a responsibility. When we fail to realize it, we are bottomlessly guilty.”

Kaja Silverman, World Spectators

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